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Public News Post #19918

Taste of Creation Contest

Written by: Minister Greys Vorondil, Aarashi Captain of The Bad Idea
Date: Wednesday, January 18th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

Salutations Chefs of Sapience!

As many of you know, we Targossians have a great passion for taking aspects of Creation and refining them so they shine even brighter, sometimes with a little addition of fire. Thus, on behalf of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Targossas, I am excited to announce the Taste of Creation Contest!

All not enemied to the Dawnspear are welcome to enter into this cuilinary competition looking for the most inspired dishes in Sapience. The foods will be split into three categories: sides, entrees, and desserts. Each entry will be evaluated on appearance, aroma, and taste by a panel of judges. The following prizes are awarded for the best in each category:

1st place: 75,000 gold and 500 of each ingredient
2nd place: 50,000 gold and 250 of each ingredient
3rd place: 25,000 gold and 100 of each ingredient

While you are not required to submit an entry for each category, those that do will be in contention for the purse of 100,000 gold and another prize that will be revealed at the event!

The judging will take place approximately on the 6th of Scarlatan of 734, after the Serenade. This gives plenty of time for you chefs to get new designs approved (as well as for some of you to resolve your status with Targossas).

To enter, simply mail me at least 3 copies of your dish between Mayan of 733 and Miraman of 734. Please include your name and which category that dish will be competing.

There are the following restrictions:
* There will be a limit of 2 dishes per chef per category.
* Those with an enemy status to the Dawnspear on the competition date will be disqualified.

Feel free to message me with any inquiries and I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Light and Fire guide,
~Greys Vorondil, Targossian Minister of Cultural Affairs

Penned by my hand on the 7th of Mayan, in the year 732 AF.

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