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Announce News Post #2547


Written by: Keroc
Date: Friday, June 3rd, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Hey guys, just a bunch of tweaks to GMCP/Nexus in order to help out our newbies:

- Added a number of new attributes to item GMCP requests. This conversely gives you some extra clickable buttons in the item menus on Nexus.
- Quests from GMCP are now stamped with the area they originate in. This'll catagorize them by area in the Nexus client.
- Death of a mobile now sends an updated GMCP packet about that replica to those in the room.
- You can now cache items by their ID number, in order to work more fluidly with the Nexus client.
- QUESTS verb now sends a GMCP update of your quests and tasks.
- Mobile says now hooked into communications for GMCP. This'll also add mobile talk to the communication tab in Nexus.
- Mobile orgtells will no longer show to newbies in the intro.
- Shouts and yells are now disabled in the intro until graduation.
- Starter items such as weapons and some early skillpoints into the primary class skill are now delayed until graduation from the intro.
- Fixed hidden newbie companions from the intros showing up on GMCP, which would often lead to the Nexus client propagating with replicas the newbie couldn't see.
- The Attack button on Nexus will now use better attacks as you learn them in your skillsets.
- Attack button on Nexus will now only utilize punch and kick while in the intro to prevent potential issues cropping up.
- Updated a number of blurbs in the creation sequence to properly reflect the current state of things (such as Assassination replacing Venom for Syssin).
- Hexes, Disfavours, and Curses will now properly remove unavailable abilities from GMCP.
- Added a number of fixed font flags during numerous displays for the Nexus client.

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 3rd of Ios, in the year 459 MA.

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