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Events News Post #192

The War of Night, pt. 6

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, June 21st, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

Shadows swarmed the continent during the winter month of Haernos,
setting upon the four Cities of the continent and the countryside at
large. Nazedha and Sapient natives alike fought tooth and nail against
raids of unprecedented strength and ferocity, driven by Ati, the Shadow,
and the Shadow Lord Murgraxis.

A lull in the fighting was broken by Yettave Arcan Bouchard, inquiring
of Ati whether the raids had come to an end - as if to spite him, yet
more shadows descended in the wake of his question.

Although there were fears that the Emperor Baelak Shipbreaker would
attempt a ritual to bring about Lanu Du and the prophecies of the
Nazedha during the month, it became clear that numbers within the
conquered City of Enorian were insufficient to permit him to do so.
Although a raid was attempted against the Enorianites taking refuge in
the Ilhavon and Mostyn, the defenders successfully repelled the oncoming

It became clear, in the wake of this small victory against the invaders,
that dissent was occuring among the Nazedha ranks - forced to assert his
authority publicly against the Chieftains of the tribes of Karthek and
Adessim, the Emperor recalled his forces, biding his time in spite of a
previous promise to bring about apocalypse by the new year.

Only time will tell whether the Emperor will attempt his eldritch ritual
and try to bring about an end to all things.

Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Haernos, in the year 451 MA.

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