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Public News Post #5610


Written by: Seneschal Xavin Taziyah
Date: Tuesday, February 18th, 2014
Addressed to: Wayward Soul, Arbre Aquila

Arbre Aquila,

You write of Duiran as if it is not something it has been for a long time. Duiranites still sacrifice, still stand against the unnatural and corrupt. Still struggle and teem with life. The Rhythm remains strong within each and every one of us. You speak of Duiran as a political entity, but it always has been such. Politics are the way of the world. We elect our leaders, rely on treaties to forge strong relations with our allies. Public opinion holds sway where we craft policy and action. What separates us from a city, truly, is the fact that we have no truly permanent settlement aside from marking the grounds about the Great Oak as our own. I do not claim that the council does not have problems. All large gatherings of mortals do. However, ours are ones that the council has struggled with for centuries.

As for you, Veovis. Do not speak of the Duiran Council as if you know her. Do not speak to the living as if you were some sort of god. Your kind still fades into obscurity and perishes. The only difference is your kind becomes fetid, useless dust whilst the living nourish the earth and fuel the Cycle. Duiran stands strong against the corrupt now as it always has. As it always will.

-Xavin Taziyah
Feral Will

Penned by my hand on the 24th of Severin, in the year 413 MA.

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