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Public News Post #5706

Assistance requested

Written by: Evening Sky, Teani Tash'Vetra
Date: Sunday, July 27th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

People of Sapience,

I know that there are people in all cities and the Council of Duiran who actively hunt down Lesser foci for extraction of energy, myself included. We all flock to these locations after searching for them across the lands and thankfully they can be sensed from quite a distance. Their appearances seem quite random, but there might be a few areas where they are more likely to appear than others.

In order to bring some light to this, I have undertaken the huge project of mapping out the locations of Lesser foci activity and gather the information in a report. However, I would require some assistance, as I need rest from time to time and can't possibly be present for every extraction. Naturally the report will be accessible to those interested, once it is completed.

If I understand things correctly each city have officials keeping track of participation thanks to reports sent in after an extraction is completed. If it is not too much to ask, I would like if the location (area) and date of the extraction was included in the report and that officials forward the information to me on a regular basis. The reason I require the date to be included is to weed out any duplicates, as there is bound to be participants from several parties on most extractions. If you have Lessers that are reported without a location and date, please include these as well with the date for a better general map.


Report written by participant:
Lesser: <participant1>, <participant2>. Location: <area>

Report from city official:
Lesser: <date> - <area>
Lesser: <no date, reported <time>> - <area>
Lesser: <date> - <no area listed>

If you have any questions, please contact me via message or in person.


Penned by my hand on the 19th of Niuran, in the year 425 MA.

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