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Public News Post #5729

Official statement of policy

Written by: Layentesh, High Priestess of Moghedu
Date: Friday, August 8th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

The City-state of Moghedu, which claims sole authority of the Siroccians, is established by and for the Mhun of Moghedu. Only those Mhun born to Moghedu may claim citizenship, and those Mhun that have left do so at risk of permanent revocation of their citizenship. Outsiders will be permitted to buy from the outer shops, including stone and our famous gemstone vials, but no audience will be granted to visitors. Moreover, outsiders who wish to resolve their status as an enemy of the City-state may do so, as normal.

Mhun who have lived in Moghedu their entire lives and never departed shall be considered Mhun of Moghedu. A Mhun of Moghedu will not renounce citizenship to their City-state, nor renounce faith in the Eight Spirits or practice an outside faith, or they will no longer be a Mhun of Moghedu. A Mhun of the outside world may still be considered Mhun if they are a member of Spinesreach, Duiran, and Enorian, as these Cities have been kind to Moghedu in the last. Mhun of Bloodloch are banished from their people - no longer Mhun.

A Mhun that is not of Moghedu must likewise hold faith in the Eight Spirits. If they have willingly adopted a God or Gods instead of Spirits, they are banished from their people - no longer Mhun. Mhun who worship outside Gods, or who are members or supporters of Bloodloch, are excommunicated. May their names be a curse to those that dare speak them. They are not Mhun, but barren, dead sand, traitors to their race who deserve only death.

We are not like Bloodloch. We are a place of promise and refuge for a people that has suffered for centuries. When has Bloodloch ever suffered? Bloodloch has grown fat on the blood of the Mhun and bays even still for our blood. Spinesreach and Duiran, even Enorian at times, has been complicit in our suffering, complicit in making us pay the blood price for the terrible crime of our existence. In aiding the Eighth Spirit, Nesventesh the Redeemer, these three Cities have atoned for past misdeeds, but this does not make them allies. This merely means they have paid back the debts of centuries to a people whom they have gravely abused.

The fact that, once we do as they do, they condemn us, is telling. We, as a race, are not permitted the privileges of a City. We cannot hunt to improve ourselves. We cannot assert our power over our territory. We cannot regain the dignity that over centuries has been stripped from us. We cannot declare ourselves as an independent entity without those in Enorian, Duiran, and Spinesreach sounding just as Bloodloch does in demanding our heads and our blood. That is why Moghedu must exist. That is why we must repeatedly, continually, and without compromise assert our right to life, our right to prosper.

We are done dying. If you wish to cast us as the villain of your pantomime, then so be it. Let the Mhun bleed once more, or recognize that just for once, outsiders - our actions are not for you. They do not lift you up. They do not bring you down. They are not for your judgment, your perusal, your condemnation. We are Mhun, and we exist, by all the Eight and the Mother that birthed us.

Entesh, untesh.

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Niuran, in the year 426 MA.

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