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Public News Post #5744

Sad, sad, child

Written by: Knight Areka Morrog
Date: Tuesday, August 12th, 2014
Addressed to: Moirean Seirath

Yes. We see that you are raiding us. Do you wish a gold star?

You are a petulant child, demanding and pathetic in your constant need of attention and validation. You are a clown, a gnat with a poleaxe that is forgotten as soon as your desparate cries for attention pass.

For claiming you have 'just been nice', you certainly have a backwards way of going about things. Is it really any wonder that your 'intentions' get lost in the mewling spew you cover the world with?

You can cry and scream about hypocrisy all you wish, though you only illuminate how utterly deluded you are in the reality of your own standing and character. Just as yes, Enorian (and every person and organization) must look in the mirror and clearly identify and resolve its faults, so too must you, lest you truly wish to continue to be a side-show act for the rest of your life - good for a few laughs and sorry shakings of the head, a nuisance for us to rally around and, but otherwise forgotten until the next time you start caterwauling.

Continue to blame the world for your own inadequacies, it will not change what you are or that you have made your bed. Harassing the city will not erase how much of an utter waste you are.

You are a sorry shell, a grown child sitting in soiled nappies and blaming the world for the stink you have created, it forever someone else's fault that you haven't figured out how to clean yourself.

Deflect and cry with the tired screams of coward and hiding behind walls, with taunting of the Gods being flawed and echoing the own problems of our mortality (yourself a stunning showcase - how much have you lost? How much more will you lose?). Point fingers, wail, thrash your fists.

Console yourself with raiding. We will fight, and ignore you, and fight again. Kick your heels and stamp your feet, a toddler's temper tantrum is all this is, and all you will ever be.

- Morrog.

Penned by my hand on the 25th of Variach, in the year 427 MA.

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