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Public News Post #5746

Carnifex auxiliary

Written by: Moirean Seirath
Date: Sunday, August 17th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

I am opening applications to all members of Sapience for a new role in the Shadow Keep: our auxiliary units.

A unique and demanding role within the Carnifex, the auxiliary units are a parallel path of progression as an alternative to the work towards knighthood. After a brief basic training, the auxiliary are given the freedom to engage in highly-skilled and specialized missions instead of the typical tasks of members aspiring towards the Tainting.These special forces serve as supplementary units to the Keep's army, operating with less protocol but under more demanding conditions. This role is one that may appeal to those interested in operating within the Carnifex, while not necessarily aiming for the more formal protocol and requirements of Knighthood.

Potential auxiliary members must submit an application directly to me detailing the following:

- Name
- Experience
- Specialized skills
- A completed tactical report in field of specialization. Contact me to see an example tactical report.

Progression is highly specialized:

- Must undertake the basic training for recruits
- Must pass a test demonstrating specialized skills
- Must complete multiple missions to advance, at the discretion of the Commander.

Rank and protocol are loosened:

- Members are exempt from the requirements of titles, uniforms, saluting and inspections.
- Members can only earn the title of Knight through special petition.

Contact me with further questions or to discuss joining our ranks in this new role.

- Moirean Seirath, Commander of the Carnifex

Penned by my hand on the 12th of Khepary, in the year 427 MA.

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