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Public News Post #5776


Written by: Ilarin Ta'sa
Date: Thursday, November 6th, 2014
Addressed to: Rashar Kynoura

Dear Rashar,

I want you to know what it really means to be a Luminary. What it means to have a fire burn deep within you that is not easily quenched and not easily held down. I want you to know that I am not the weak person you presumed me to be, and I want to say this in front of the whole land so that it is clear to you that I am quite prepared to confront you on this matter.

Your challenge for guildmaster is nothing more than a power grab, and I have faith that the people in my guild will recognize it as such. I have faith that they will look at your history, as you have asked them to do, and see that you are nothing more than empty words. When was the last time you finished anything? You call yourself a leader? A leader cares about his people. You care about no one but yourself, as you are proving here once again. Where was your brotherly advice when I first won the election? All you have done is tried to discourage me and make me feel inferior. Not once have you offered any assistance with guild matters, other than to tell me how you do not see me fit to lead. Where were these grand ideas of yours when I asked you for input and asked for your help to make something of this guild? Nowhere, because you were too busy undermining me.

You say you care about this guild, well I see no evidence of that. All I see is you, once again, trying to be in power. Turning the guild upside down with another election, when it has not even been a year since the last, is evidence that you care nothing about this guild and I want it to be clear to you that I have no intention of going quietly, because I, unlike you AM a Luminary. You, on the other hand, are nothing more than a speck of dust that lets the wind carry him wherever it may take him with loyalty to no one, and to nothing but yourself.

In Strength,


Penned by my hand on the 6th of Haernos, in the year 433 MA.

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