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Public News Post #5786

ylem systems

Written by: Moirean
Date: Thursday, November 27th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

Hey Duiran,

I appreciate the flattery. Really, I do - I am a good leader, my followers tell me, so I suppose it makes sense that you repeatedly copy me. Designing your own ylem system is hard. Stealing one is easy. I understand that. Keeping it, after being informed that it's stolen, that's a bit more nasty of you, but I guess you all really like my influence that much.

However - if this were the first incident of your "forest" grabbing one of my policies, schemes or systems, I'd shrug and move on...but it's not. After repeated instances of this copycatting, I'm rather sick of your imitation. To spell it out clearly: STOP. COPYING. SPINESREACH.

I understand, really, I do. We're great. We're REALLY great. HRO-AH-FREAKING-AGH. But I'm sure Duiran can be great, too. Probably not under its current leadership, sure, but these things are fleeting. Don't give up, guys! Have hope, have spark...and maybe have some integrity and stop using systems like your ylem system, which are stolen from other cities and happily used by your city government because it is convenient. Seriously, can you wake up each day and feel ok knowing you're a thief and a hypocrite? Maybe you can.

I'm guessing most don't identify with that. Stop the theft.

- Chairwoman Moirean Seirath
Inventor of the Duiran Ylem System
You are all negative 50 points

Penned by my hand on the 8th of Lleian, in the year 435 MA.

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