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Public News Post #5813

Peace or War?

Written by: Yarel Nebre'seir, the Spiteful
Date: Monday, January 26th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

To Moirean... I should thank you for your little bit of madness. The world has been too boring of late. I'm sick of hunting Xorani, and the animals on the Isle. Thank you for providing me and my House with more interesting game to hunt.

To the Carnifex... I am aware that sometimes Moirean confuses her personal issues with issues involving the various organizations that she holds sway in. Her initial post would seem to indicate that she is speaking on the behalf of your Guild, and that she intends to use you all as her soldiers in this cause. Perhaps I am misreading her intent, or perhaps you all are not inclined to fight this fight for her. If either happens to be the case, then House Nebre'seir will respect your position, and you will be left wholly out of this conflict. If, however, you prefer to stand with her on the battlefield in this instance, well... Then we shall see who prevails in war, because that is what we will have.

To the Primeval Clan of Vampires... Enjoy dying. When you tire of being slaughtered, leave the clan, post your public submission to the Primus, and know peace.

To one and all involved... Nebre'seir will respect the treaties of both the Dominion and Bloodloch. As such, so long as you do not make a habit of cower behind city walls, Nebre'seir will not violate the sanctity of Bloodloch or Spinesreach. But for those who refuse to brave their fate... You will find no place safe.

By Blood and Blade,
Yarel Nebre'seir

Penned by my hand on the 12th of Chakros, in the year 440 MA.

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