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Public News Post #5814


Written by: Commander Moirean Seirath
Date: Monday, January 26th, 2015
Addressed to: Yarel Nebre'seir, the Spiteful

I am honestly curious what "personal issue" you think I am crusading. My cause is simple - as the Commander of the Carnifex Army, it is my duty to ensure the autonomy of the guild and the integrity of our culture. It is absolutely my right to decide (or in this case, post a decision that the Officers unanimously agreed on) if my guild refrains from Dominion membership, given that the new laws impose on our guild's freedom, structure and outlook. To declare that we are traitors and ripe for slaughter for simply choosing to OPT OUT of your hierarchy is pompous and controlling beyond belief, and reinforces that our guild made the right decision.

To the other guilds of shadow, I suggest you look at Yarel's response - it's clear the Dominion wants to control us and hand over our autonomy and loyalty to them. Rabidly attacking us because we do not want to participate in their structure and declare our loyalty to Abhorash makes it quite clear what sort of imperialist intentions the Dominion has.

Primeval exists for those who have no place in the existing Houses or Dominion. Again, it's laughable how far you are attempting to reach, decreeing what organizations vampires --who are not even in the Dominion-- can or cannot join.

We have no intentions of attacking your empire. It's clear that you see us having no interest in being part of your organizations as a crime and a threat - that wild insecurity is on your shoulders, not mine. We have no intentions of attacking the Dominion...but if you do decide to hunt us, if you do push this into war, then rest assured, you will make an enemy of me.

- Commander Moirean Seirath

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Chakros, in the year 440 MA.

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