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Public News Post #5815

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Written by: Dominus, Prince Riluo Nebre'seir
Date: Monday, January 26th, 2015
Addressed to: Commander Moirean Seirath

Hail Commander,

I fear you are misconstruing the point of your earlier proclamation and in doing so have misrepresented who and what this is in relation too. First and foremost, this is not about your guild, quite to the contrary Commander this is about the your little Primeval clan and nothing else. Indeed, declaring that your guild is the target here is a fallacy of the lowest order and a path best not traversed in the first place by any wise leadership. So let me explain this not only for you, but also for those who must listen to your contrived ramblings my dear.

What is being proposed here is that your desire to form a minor House of sorts is an affront to the Primus and therefore his Dominion, as such by using the Carnifex as a means of shielding the truth from others you cause injury to those not related to your misguide ways. Again, for clarity sake, this is not about the Carnifex, this is about your little group of unclaimed and sullied souls. If they decide to follow you on a fool's errand, then so be it, but do not hide behing the obvious truth of the matter, that you are using the guild for personal gain. I trusted this would not need to be repeated again Moirean, as it is bothersome at best to have to explain these things time and again to you.

Now to the very heart of it, we politely ask that you to renounce your claims against the Empire, stop using cities and guilds as fodder for your personal needs and instead simply pronounce aloud for all to hear your error in judgement. It can end that easily for your primeval membership, chalked up as the misguided ramblings of an Imp that has taken one too many knocks to the head over the years, or it can become an issue for this little group. Surely, you can comprehend how utterly bothersome this is for all parties and when taken into context is more about you and nothing else. So try a later harder from now on not to confuse leadership with what can only be described as your vindictive and destructive sociopathic tendencies.

Prince Riluo, Nebre'seir

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Chakros, in the year 440 MA.

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