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Public News Post #5832

dominion crap

Written by: Moirean Seirath
Date: Saturday, February 7th, 2015
Addressed to: Primus Abhorash Nehekhara

I have to admit, this whole thing is silly. It's clear you want to make yourself look good, and declaring a Blood Hunt sure sounds formal and important and active.

I do have to ask, though, why now? Carnifex have denied House members for...I wanna say fifty years? Might be longer? This process began at least 50 years ago when we clashed over naming protocols. Any house leader can verify it. It's hardly anything new, and D'Baen was the only house who established a treaty with us to formally establish any sort of dual-membership arrangement.

You were noticeably absent in that, by the way.

Acting like we're suddenly offending you by *continuing* to assert the sovereignty and independence we've operated under for decades only reveals how out of touch YOU are. I can keep citing historical circumstance, but out of respect for your stature, I will cease making you look bad. When conflict first sprung up, I contacted you - and you even gave me the go-ahead and said no issues would occur with Carnifex and Houses. You then vanished entirely from the process.

You then, decades later, made a few more laws, and ignored my requests for meetings, despite our history of working together and being amicable. Your laws encroached on our domain, something you demonstrated you were already fine with supporting.

In short, the Carnifex have already had policies in place for decades. We worked with the Dominion to establish and maintain said laws. We *already* banned most of your houses and you were absolutely fine with that. For decades. Suddenly you imposed new laws, and we had to *SLIGHTLY* adjust our policy and now, oh my, oh no, your Dominion is threatened? I can spot political fodder when I see it.

Declare us Bloodhunted - my Carnifex will embrace the title. We find it SILLY and ignorant, as you apparently don't even know how your own Dominion is run, but fine, we'll take the title and embrace it. Hunt us down. We will fight back. We are not afraid. If anything, we are amused - Carnifex are run cleanly, and your clear failure is enjoyable to watch.

At the same time, we declare a hunt on you, Abhorash - one of truth. You claim to be the highest Consanguine, the strongest vampire, the best of the best - but what are your origins? Prove who you are. Demonstrate that you are something. Lay down proof that you are more than Yrtez's accident. You repeatedly declare you are the best, but your diplomacy makes it clear that's just a happy wish, and far from the truth. Make something from the Dominion. Better yet, DO SOMETHING. Like. Anything. Man. Don't just talk about your deeds and your rank and your blood.


- Moirean Seirath

Penned by my hand on the 25th of Arios, in the year 441 MA.

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