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Public News Post #5892

On the account of my Lord

Written by: Hayim, Priest of the Unbound
Date: Thursday, September 10th, 2015
Addressed to: Inquisitor Aarbrok Furor

Mr. Inquisitor, one of the reasons I serve my Lord of Truth is because
He is, in spite of His self-admitted flaws, He does His level best to be
fair. This goes in terms of giving people second, third, fourth, fifth,
possibly infinite chances, so long as they show willing to try again. I
cannot of course speak on the account of the Lady Goddess, but that is
not with whom I'm concerned here - I only make the point that my Lord
particularly abhors hubris, abhors mortals placing themselves above the
Gods, particularly in such a public and undignified manner of spectacle.

Therefore it is my keen suspicion that Her affiliation - be that Shadow,
be that Spirit - was secondary to His desire that He not hold a double
standard of hypocrisy in punishing hubris against the Light while
excusing it for the Dark. In this respect, He defends all His brethren,
even Lady Auresae when She strayed from Her ideals (with all due
blessings to the essence Mebrene and the Lady Ethne), to the point where
He cast out one of His order for speaking rudely and loudly against Her.
While it is like to be true that the Lady Goddess is not of His
brethren, She is as you have said young and perhaps He offers Her a
chance as He does so many others. He hopes to this day that those
brethren of His that hold yet to Darkness turn back to the fold of
Light, unlikely though He knows it to be.

Mr. Plato, I'm also going to address you, though my aim was on the
Inquisitor for slandering my Lord - you've slandered Him, too, albeit by
an opposite tongue to that which your opponent in debate has just
employed. See, talking Him up is every bit as bad as talking Him down.
As I have said, He is not a perfect God; He knows this; He has taken
cleansing in the past alongside me, alongside Durmat (may he rest ever
in the Underhalls), alongside many other of His followers. My Lord
reckons Himself as being wise enough to see His own foolishness, and
fool enough to fall for it now and again regardless. He may not like it,
necessarily speaking, but that's the Truth.

I suppose I've said my piece.


Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Slyphian, in the year 453 MA.

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