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Public News Post #5898

On measuring time

Written by: Head Librarian Tegoleth
Date: Friday, September 18th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

We announce a new, standardized calendar for potential adoption in the
coming year of 454 MA. It is similar to the calendar employed during the
First Mortal Epoch by the Hlugnic Empire, and employs weeknames derived
from the older Hlugnic terms. We define as follows:

Let a week be a period of time measuring six days, as six days is the
period of time which now stands between one Howling and the next.

The six days of the week shall be called Closday, Tisday, Falsday,
Quensday, Kinday, and Gosday, and occur in this order, and the 1st of
Variach, 454 MA shall be a Closday.

'Closday' was the day upon which laundry was once washed. 'Tisday' was
the day upon which pay was once received. 'Falsday' was the day upon
which outstanding debts and challenges were settled. 'Quensday' was the
day of the Dwarven queen. 'Kinday' was the day of the Dwarven king.
'Gosday' was the day of the Gods and a day of rest and piety, upon which
the Underking was honored.

There shall be fifty weeks to each year, corresponding to the three
hundred days of the currently existing calendar, thus that the 1st of
Variach shall always fall upon a Closday.

It is the Grand Library's hope that this system proves more useful to
the continent at large.

Happy New Year,
Head Librarian Tegoleth

Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 25th of Haernos, in the year 453 MA.

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