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Public News Post #5964

Be it Flame or Famine

Written by: Avishai Morrog, Ihiem Iahulo
Date: Sunday, March 20th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

For clarification sake,

Since the masses as a whole like to misconstrue what really has been
taking place and I truly am growing tired of the discord those of my
fellow 'allies' like to spread with their rumor-mongering, I am going to
make this post for clarification sake so that all parties involved may
be made very aware of my actions these past weeks.

Recently Trikal set fires within the Heartwood and the Beacon in efforts
to rouse the masses because a person began setting fires in the North,
whilst I am disappointed I did not think of it first, the initial fires
were not by my hand, I would have personally started somewhere like
bloodloch, at least one can justify the burning of corpses en masse like
a pyre of purification.

Alas, after numerous weeks of these 'attacks' by Trikal Cardinalis, I
grew tired of pulling my rather well endowed arms and legs into this
massive Ogre tortoise shell and decided it was time to pull offensive
meaasures. I returned the favour by reciprocating with the tactics of
Trikal and setting the Spirean sewers on fire, that is me, such a horrid
Ogress vandal. Mind you I did fully intend to buy squash as I informed
the warden, and I am still uncertain how I was caught, but for the
benefit of the doubt, I was, and I was murdered for my offense.

Though the attacks on the Beacon and the Heartwood did not cease.
-and- The Bloodlochians joined

So in the wee hours of the evening I set Bloodloch ablaze and
Spinesreach and many died to the purifying flames which surged through
the streets, taking lives of the Desperate with each smoldering lick of
the flame.

-and- the attacks still do not cease.

No further actions have been taken by my hand, yet they continue. It is
not retaliation it is boredom, this world requires a conflict for a
balance to be held, whilst many wish to wallow in their apathy and
comforts, I choose to act, I am the wildfire, and I shall burn, do not
chastise me for action allies, and to those outside the cycle do not
blame your boredom on me either, you wanted conflict, and you got it...
instead consider yourselves and what you hope to accomplish, because I
will continue to fight back alone or with others.

By my flame,
Avishai Morrog

Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 8th of Lanosian, in the year 457 MA.

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