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Public News Post #5977

Hidden Pack of Gold

Written by: Grand Duke Zsadist Lunare Bahir'an
Date: Wednesday, May 4th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Denizens of Sapience,

In my many travels and throughout the slaughter of many creatures, I have obtained many a mass of gold. That said, I have gotten a little bored in my slaughter and hunting that I am going to give incentive for everyone to have a little fun, no matter what path you follow.

In my boredom, I have buried a pack of gold somewhere within the world of Sapience during my many travels. This pack has 250,000 gold in it. If you can find, it is yours. I will not make a claim for it, I will not seek any sort of retribution. The 250,000 gold is free game to ANYONE who is willing to spend the time to look for it.

Also, if you DO find it, you must send me a message or a tell of where you found it so I know its accurate and not a fake. If you indeed found the pack I buried and hid, I will also give you 30 credits.

Your only hints are as follows:
- It is buried somewhere within Sapience.
- Everyone has access to it without any sort of questing being necessary.

Also, this is not a joke. There truly is a pack of 250k gold buried somewhere.

May the Shadows guide you.

Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 3rd of Lleian, in the year 458 MA.

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