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Public News Post #6008

People Auction

Written by: Lady Alathesia, Priestess of Souls
Date: Friday, September 9th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone


Its time to pull all the gold you've been saving from the bank! Bloodloch is hosting a people auction, and we are letting everyone in Sapience place bids. Get combat tips from some of the best fighters, or go on a hunting trip with some of the best hunters. We won't ask what ya did, we just want your gold. Below are the ones you may bid on along with what kinds of things you can ask for if you win.

Alathesia- Hunting, good conversation, or anything within reason
Canasius- All styles of crafting, hunting, conversation or whatever they feel like within reason
Cariv- I'll offer up a magical magnificent mystery prize, a day you'll never forget and wish you could remember, a story you can never tell anyone, a date you'll never take home to your momma.
Coribhell- Test dummy for someone to practice their skills on in a sparring room or for conversation regarding Lady Chakrasul.
Draiman- Hunting or a combat lesson.
Ellenia- A one on one with an individual and teaching them about Malevolence
Eliser- A full days hunt
Gabriele- Crafting services of many varieties
Kiralla- Tailor/jewelcrafting services. Has extensive knowledge of Niuri, the Bloodborn and Kalsu if anyone wants instruction on those. Also willing to offer a day or so of conversation in general
Reux- I'm good at hunting, I craft, I enjoy chatting. I don't see a reason to limit expectations.
Varel- Combat lesson or something else combat related, no problem!
Yoshera- Hunting or a good conversation
Zsadist- I'll offer either combat practice for a couple days or simple conversation in the form of 10 questions maximum, only restrictions would be nothing inappropriate by my standards
* The above people will open with a starting bid of 10,000 gold.

Chef Yasmar- is offering a cooking class to the winner
* The above will open with a starting bid of 50,000 gold.

Iosyne- Though She does not guarantee anyone's safety.
* The above will open with a starting bid of 100,000 gold.

If you wish to bid on any of the people in this auction please message me with who you are bidding on and the amount. This auction will run for seven weeks. (One RL week) You will be notified at the end if you won.


Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 16th of Severin, in the year 461 MA.

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