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Public News Post #6011

The Cancer That is Killing Sapience

Written by: Knight-Aspirant Lait Sharma, Templar Battlemage
Date: Sunday, September 11th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Spinesreach is a cancer upon Sapience. Artifice and corruption run
rampant amongst its halls. The minds of the young and the weak are
swayed to its cause by promises of knowledge and power, when in reality
they are being conscripted into the service of tyranny and oppression.

It is said in the tenets of the Unbound Lord that if you cannot sway one
to the Light, if you cannot make their fellows sway them to the Light,
if you cannot make their culture sway them to the Light, then they are
not of the Light, and cannot be called one's kin.

Spinesreach is no kin to those that dwell within the Spirit, those whom
respect the Cycle of Life and the Rhythm that sustains it. They are
forsaken, irrevocably condemned to a life of dark arts and ill
practices. There is no cure for their interminable heresy except for the
sweet embrace of final death.

To this end, there will be no rest until the Citadel is razed to the
ground and the subhuman degenerates that call it home are sent to the
Halls for the last time.

Thus always I bring death to tyrants.

- Lait Sharma

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 4th of Ios, in the year 461 MA.

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