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Public News Post #6015

This is the future you chose.

Written by: Lait
Date: Tuesday, September 13th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Citizens of Sapience.

There exists a disease in every city, every village, every point on this
dying earth. Like a cancer, it grows unchecked, infesting the vital
organs that keep it functioning until nothing is left but a rotting,
fetid corpse. Like a cancer, it remains invisible until the last
moments, when the body shuts down, unable to sustain its own life
functions no matter how hard its failing defenses try.

Corruption and artifice, tyranny and oppression; all of these exist
everywhere, from the first day that Varian's creations saw reason to the
last dying breath of the last wizened mortal man. Spinesreach. Enorian.
Bloodloch. Duiran. All are stricken with this incurable plague. Tyranny
saw Albedos fall to the Dreikathi and their monstrous creations of war
and chaos. Corruption clawed its way into the psyche of Bloodloch and
gave rise to the blood-fattened houses of the Consanguine. Artifice is
what destroyed the Ankyreans, and is what riddles the modern-day Citadel
with political sabotage and deceit.

The time has come to cleanse Sapience of this disease. Every intelligent
creature, living and undead, must be purged, so that the world can start
anew, free of the influence of mortal life. Let the Midnight Age drown
in a sea of blood, so that a new age can begin: a true age of Dawn,
where no corruption can exist, no artifice can exist, no pain can exist.
A world where all souls are unfettered by the tiresome chore of living,
suffering, and dying.

When I consign the last forsaken soul to the Underhalls for the final
time, only then will I take my own life, that the gangrenous corruption
of mortal life can spread no further. There will be no graves, no
memorials. There will only be an empty world, wiped clean of the filth
that sickens it. A pristine paradise, where the intricate workings of
time, physics, and the elements can continue without the corrosive
intrusion of intelligent thought.

Let the genocide of mortalkind be a lesson to all: Death solves all
problems. No man, no problem.

Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 15th of Ios, in the year 461 MA.

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