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Announce News Post #2899

Customized Altar of Sanctity Messages

Written by: Eoghan
Date: Friday, November 21st, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

Hello again, all,

By far the biggest customized message request we've received has been the Altar of Sanctity. I am pleased to inform you that it is now a reality. It is now possible to create custom messages for your token altars that will be shown when you PERFORM RITUAL SACRIFICE.

There are two such messages:
sacrifice1p (what you see when you sacrifice)
sacrifice3p (what others in your room see when you sacrifice)

New variables that don't exist for other messages:
$(altar$) - This will be replaced with the appearance of your altar (e.g. an altar of the Cult of Code)
$(corpses$) - This will be replaced with the corpse or list of corpses being sacrificed.

You can (and should) also use $(caster$) in your third-party messages.

In addition to this, Entities can now set a default sacrifice message for their cult or sect. The message that is used will be the first from this list that is possible:
1) Artifact Customized Messages (if you've written your own, it will always be used!)
2) Org customized Messages (if you haven't written one, but your entity has, the entity's message will be used)
3) The existing default messages

Org-customized messages (if they're set) will also be used at the cult or sect's main altar, in addition to being used by altars of sanctity owned by members of the organization.

For ease of use, here's an example set:
sacrifice1p: You place $(corpses$) on $(altar$) and pray really hard. The corpses disappear in a flurry of 1s and 0s.
sacrifice3p: $+(caster$) places $(corpses$) on $(altar$) and prays really hard. The corpses disappear in a flurry of 1s and 0s.


Penned by my hand on the 5th of Solis, in the year 62 AM.

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