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Announce News Post #2937

Crystal Apples! (New Sale)

Written by: Jeremy
Date: Saturday, January 17th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

We are starting a new promotion today which will run for the next 30 days.

For the next 30 days, you will get a special item for every 100 credits you spend. The first 100 credit purchase will get you a special bag of apples. The bag is filled with rotten apples that you can throw at mobs or players. See below for the effects.

Every 100 credits you purchase after that will earn you a special crystal apple. The command ADD APPLE TO BAG will permanently place the crystal apple in the bag and unlock a new type of apple for use.

Each bag can have 20 different types of apple in them. Each type of apple can be used one evey 24 hours.

Here are the commands to use them:

- THROW <apple type> APPLE AT <target>
- EAT <apple type> APPLE

And a list of apple effects:

Rotten - Instantly kills nonboss mobs or damages players.
Red - Can only move one room per second for 60 seconds.
Yellow - Waterwalking for 60 minutes.
Crisp - +1 moves per second for 60 minutes.
Light - Flight for 60 minutes.
Spotted - Lets you WORM SEEK and WORM WARP for 10 minutes
Wormy - Increases fish weight for 60 minutes.
Shiny - Makes a reflection appear every 30 seconds for 10 minuutes.
Hollow - Removes a players voice for 60 minutes.
Bruised - Explodes and hides the room exits.
Golden - Boosts all favors you have by 60 minutes. Can only be used
once per favour.
White - Adds 5% resist to all damage types for 10 minutes.
Brown - Let's you sense phased movement for 10 minutes.
Silver - Swaps your gender for an hour.
Green - Shrug the next toxin that hits you.
Sour - Teleports you to a character.
Cold - Teleports a character to you.
Bumpy - Target cannot teleport away for 60 seconds.
Bitter - Target cannot drink health or mana potions for 10 seconds.
Pink - Brings you back to 100% health.

You can read HELP APPLES to remember all this.

A couple of these powers will be monitored and adjusted as needed. The bumpy apple may have missed a couple teleportation skills. This only includes skills that magically teleport you away, not skills that make you exit the room, or move normally. Just BUG any problems you run into.

Maybe this is not your cup of tea? You can turn in all the items for 25 credits each or you can sell them on the promo market.

The market will display the level of the bag.

If you have any questions, please message or email me.

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Letum, in the year 67 AM.

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