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Announce News Post #3280

Guard Changes

Written by: Jeremy
Date: Saturday, February 6th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

I have put in a few changes for guards. We may come around to a more extensive change to raiding and guards, after we complete some of our current projects.

1. Guard deaths are only recorded in the MILLOG now.

2. Siege weapons no longer fire outside of the city area.

3. Fashioning siege ammo will now produce 10 times as much.

4. Guards reset 2 hours after being killed.
- If they are in a squad they will reset in the room with the squad leader. If the squad or leader is dead they will reset in the room they were killed in and move to the leader when it resets.
- If they were on a siege weapon, they will reset to it. If another mob is assigned to it in the meantime, they will just reset to the room.

5. Guards will have an annual upkeep cost of 250 gold per guard, 500 per elite guard. 200 elite guards will cost 100,000 per game year to maintain. If you do not have the gold in the security account in the first month, it will log it and retry in the second month. After that, guards will start to quit. This will happen in the first month of the year. Details are in the REVLOG but if you miss a month, it will also show up in the normal org log.

6. We decided not to increase XP loss to guards. The only way this was meaningful was to increase it to a point that would have stopped all raiding, which is not our goal.

Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Aequitas, in the year 97 AM.

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