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Public News Post #3413


Written by: Apothecary Lemuela, Deacon of the First Order
Date: Friday, November 4th, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone

To the citizens of Khandava that wake to find their home uprooted, their guilds destroyed, and their most sacred redwood forest that once protected and nurtured their ancestors that Celidon is not the only nature council left in Aetherius. The northern Pines has always been a sanctuary and home for hundreds who grew tired of dictators, corruption, and the destructive power of magick.

Look around you, citizens of the redwoods, and ask yourselves if the taint of magick could grow so dark to twist the very trees that have stood for centuries then what must it be doing to your insides. Your very heart and soul slowly twisted into blackness until even what you have loved is destroyed. You now know what we have known and with open eyes can see the destructive power magick has upon the land in irresponsible, power-hungry hands.

Now is the time to reject this magick as you're forced to choose between a pact with demons within a twisted forest or to start over in a place that is safe from that cursed land. Cast it away and join the Pines as a redeemed soul who has learned the true nature of magick and its destruction.

May the Light find and guide you....

Penned by my hand on the 17th of Halitus, in the year 651 AD.

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