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Public News Post #3529


Written by: Khizan Vladin, Assistant Reforger
Date: Saturday, June 20th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

I have spent the past few months thinking over a response to the comments that I have recieved about Antioch and Urzog and his magicks, and I have decided to respond to them by telling you all the truth.

The truth is that anti-magick as a cause in and of itself is dead. Long dead.

Antioch took a stand against magick because the Gods said that it was wrong. They said that it was power reserved for the Gods, that mortals could not be trusted with it and that their use of it was theft, usurption of that which was not rightfully theirs. But the Gods... they said a lot of things. And then they died.

And do you know what happened to Antioch then? Do you know what changes their death wrought upon the city of the Gods, the city whose walls were defended by the prayers of the faithful? None. Nothing changed. Priests prayed and their prayers were answered. Templars called upon the Gods to strike at their enemies and those enemies were struck. Antioch asked for power when nothing was there to grant it, and yet power was granted. The power of the Gods... in mortal hands.

In other words... magick. To claim otherwise would be hypocritical. Maybe the power once came from the Gods, but that is a meaningless distinction now and I will not concern myself with it. The past is the past. The Gods are dead. The reins are in our hands now.

To those of you who speak out against Urzog because he uses magicks, I say this: You speak of a distinction that is meaningless in this modern time. If the Gods wished to have a say in the world of this age, they should have lived to see it.

And to Aakrin, my 'brother in magick', I say this: It is said that the most bitter fights of all are the ones between brothers. We may use the same tools. That does not make us friends.


Penned by my hand on the 5th of Ferinus, in the year 79 AM.

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