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Public News Post #1660

Another Feast--Seeking Chefs!

Written by: Tully, Janitor of the Basin
Date: Friday, November 21st, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

Hey me boyos!

Usually around the cycle of every thirty years or so, I try to do some
lavish feasts for all the folks in the Basin of Life. Let's just say I
feel thankful or grateful us fate-touched have lasted another quarter
century or so. So once again I am seeking chefs who are willing to take
an advance order for a feast like this! I would have been writing this
solicitation sooner but I got sidetracked with an emergency.

Please send me an aethermessage if ye are interested. I'm willing to
send a decent fee with a decent tip to those who are willing to cook up
a huge batch of appropriate food. (Appropriate food being animals,
particularly fowl such as turkeys and chickens, along with vegetables,
pies and deserts, assorted platters, etc. No sentient beings like shard
races, half-formed, or anything that can usually speak to get my
point!) Ye will also need to have origami ready so ye can mail me the

In about a month I'll check my messages, and hopefully I can send ye the
gold and ye can start cooking. In a few months I'll set the dates--I
expect they will be about 6-9 months away when we'll have the feasts.
I'll send out a few possible dates on the news here. All of ye will be
invited. The gathering places will probably be either Skye's Inn (aka
the Triple Junction Inn), and Miska's forum (in the world library--the
benefit is that the place is under a protection dweomer of peace so
nobody needs to worry about getting assassinated there...this is a
feast, not a vengance game.

I wanted to also take the time to send out a note to all the chefs that
I am seeking a master chef to train me. I need to learn how to be a chef
so after another quarter century maybe I can cook instead!

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Klangiary, in the year 398 CE.

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