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Public News Post #1664

A celebration!

Written by: Altrea Bloodthorn, Their Hand of Hands
Date: Tuesday, December 9th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

To all citizens of the Basin of Life,

I understand it is short notice, this announcement, and I apologize for
such, but I would like to invite the Basin to a celebration in Gaudiguch
on the 20th of Dioni, 400 years after the Coming of Estarra. All not
enemied to Gaudiguch will be permitted to attend, and amnesty can be
provided for non-contentious individuals. Food and beverage, both
alcoholic and otherwise, will be provided for this wondrous time of
celebration, and various events will be run with prizes for each of
them. As of this post, though all is subject to change, here are the
planned events:

Free-For-All: One credit to each participant with the winner receiving
five credits.

Wargames: One credit to each participant with each of the winning team
receiving three credits.

Drunken Vengeance: One credit to each participant, three to each
individual alive at the end. Alcohol will be provided.

Sober Vengeance: One credit to each participant, three to each
individual alive at the end. Alcohol will not be provided.

Wet T-Shirt Competition: One credit to each participant, five to the
winner, three to second and third place runner ups. Shirts and cleanse
enchantments will be provided. Various fruit for costuming will be
available upon request.

It's a surprise: It's a surprise.

I hope many of you are able and willing to attend, and if anybody feels
they can contribute or wishes to do so, please do not hesitate to
contact me.

In Service,
Altrea Bloodthorn
Grand Duchess of Gaudiguch.

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Urlachmar, in the year 400 CE.

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