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Public News Post #1675

Seeking Spiritual Advice

Written by: Lovely Len, the Littlest Witch
Date: Sunday, December 28th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings everyone,

I am currently seeking any and all NEW prophetic knowledge gained from
any and all spirits that have been contacted since the appearance of
these sickly trees. I would hope that even though we may not be on the
best of terms with eachother that we can all come together in this time
to find a permenant solution to these sickly trees, as we all know that
they seem to be growing faster against our attempts to rid them with our
newfound method of using the Tree of Tree's Acorns.

I know we're all growing irritable with eachother, and fights have
broken out, but we need to work together on this. If you have any new
knowledge please share it either here on the public section or send a
letter or message to myself and I will compose a full newspost myself on
everyone's behalf when I can.

As of this moment Queen Maeve seems to have a relatively positive
outlook recently, and has been feeling better since we've begun our
assault against the sickly trees. However, she seems worried about what
is behind the brownie's sickly state in the first place. My last several
talks with her have suggested that we need to restore the Nature Seal
somehow, and that somehow is unknown as of yet. As such, she seems to
also suggest speaking with our prophetic spirits where we may as to seek
a solution.

"The Spirits whisper betwixt the eddies of air and of water, call
thoughts to one another beneath the leaves, through soil, over distances
great, under distances small.", was what she had told me to suggest
this. So please.. if you have ANYTHING. Do not hessitate to share. We
must stay vigilant against this plague, it affects all of us.

Be well,
~Len Starleaf

Penned by my hand on the 1st of Klangiary, in the year 401 CE.

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