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Public News Post #1762

Vigilance and Aethergoop

Written by: Chanter of Violet Flames Sakaki d'Murani, Sohei of Despondent Faith
Date: Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Do not let yourself be fooled. Kraw is trying to twist my words against
me to suit his own ends.

Yes, the price of the Triple Junction brews has become rather high due
to the steep amount of goop required. Do not forget though that it has
not even been a SINGLE WEAVE since supplies were thoroughly diluted and
recipes may be rewoven at the discretion of those that watch over us.

I have no problems with credit market prices dropping if there is a lack
of demand for aethergoop.

What I DO have issue with is people trying to SWINDLE unsuspecting
individuals out of their goop for roughly FIVE PERCENT of what they are
otherwise entitled to for it.

Since HE has chosen to call me out, I will choose to call HIM out in
turn - he was one of said individuals trying to snag aethergoop moments
after it was diluted by the gnomes for the ridiculously low sum of FIFTY
GOLD per goop. If he had succeeded, he would have been able to
eventually get an artifact worth 300 credits for a paltry EIGHT credits
worth of gold, or a 1,000 credit one for a mere THIRTY CREDITS.

If the price of goop lowers naturally to reflect supply and demand, I am
perfectly fine with that, but I will NOT stand idly by while people try
to take advantage of others lack of knowledge pertaining to sudden

Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Roarkian, in the year 449 CE.

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