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Public News Post #1772

Cooking Part Two.

Written by: Of Crimson Clay, Shaddus D'Cente, Quintessence of Taint
Date: Thursday, October 27th, 2016
Addressed to: Chaote Breandryn

In return for your recipe, I thought I would return the gesture with one
of my own. This is able to feed many people, depending on how you pad
it. You'll see.

First, take a large cauldron. Fill it about half full of water over a
large fire, bringing it to a roiling boil. Add a few handfuls of salt.
Next, procure a few good sized elfen. Not too skinny, you want to make
sure the broth has a bit of fat to it. Make sure you check them
carefully for disease or liver spots, and if you're satisfied with their
appearance, throw them right into the pot.

While you wait, take some large onions (I prefer yellow onions with
elfen), and quarter them. I also suggest slivered bell peppers, large
reishi mushrooms, perhaps some sliced carrots, and plenty of celery. Cut
it all into bite sized pieces, tossing them into the pot with the elfen.
I'd also like to suggest some basil leaves.

By this time, the screaming has hopefully stopped. With a slotted spoon,
skim the top of the pot to catch any stray hair that has escaped the
bodies, discarding that. Lower the heat a bit, letting it simmer.

Make a mixture of flour, salt, and baking powder. Add milk until it
forms a thick dough, and drop this by the large spoonfuls into the stew
for dumplings. This will also serve to thicken the broth. By this time,
the flesh will have sloughed from the bones in the cauldron. Scoop these
out, discarding them unless you have a use for them.

Serves 4-12, depending on how many elfen you use.

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Estar, in the year 455 CE.

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