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Poetry News Post #5086

The Eccentric King and His Most Loyal Subject(loosely based on a true story)

Written by: Linton, Oubosha of the Hold
Date: Friday, November 4th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, lies the Kingdom of Aah. Within the kingdom, in the capital, night has fallen deep and everyone was asleep. Well, everyone but a young junior official who goes by the name Mari. Mari sat in front of her desk in her office within the royal library, flipping the pages of an accounts book which records the funds used for the purchase of library books. But no matter how many times she did the calculations, the numbers within refused to add up. Gold she was responsible for was missing!

After a long sleepless night, the dawn finally arrives for Mari. She waited impatiently for her superior, a councilwoman of the ruling party to arrive in order to bring the case up to her. The Councilwoman did not wait for her to finish, interrupting her. She obviously already knew what was going on and explained that the gold was used to purchase a bench to be used during the king's birthday party.

Now, 99 out of a hundred in her position would be satisfied with that but not Mari. Instead she approached the elected king. The King on hearing her report told her to settle down and that the situation was already explained by the councilwoman.

Anyone else in the Kingdom would be more than happy to take the King's word as proof but not Mari. She went home and found herself suffering another sleepless night. She felt that what she was given was insufficient. But if the king was the highest authority, who else could she turn to next?

Before the next dawn arrives, Mari sneaked to the public board in the capital's market square and posted the case of the missing gold for all to see, with warnings of embezzlement and corruption. This naturally caused an outrage among the ruling council and the other high officials.

Mari was suspended from her office and brought to stand in front of the ruling council and the king in the Judgement Hall. Everyone gave her looks of disapproval but she stood tall, defiant of their reproach. Even the mightly frown on the king's face could not weaken the stiffness of her back.

"Librarian Mari, you have dishonoured us with your actions. Do you think so poorly of your king that you cannot trust my word?"

"I honour you as I would my own father, O king. I trust you to be the upright king you are as would anyone with eyes that see. But in the Royal Library, I am mere representative of the office I am sworn to serve with impartiality. There, I could not favour your word just as I could not discriminate a beggar's."

With that, the King's frown grew even deeper. The council hall was silenced by his glower except for a few nervous sounds of throats clearing themselves. After what seems an eternity, the king spoke again.

"Librarian Mari, you are from here on Librarian no more."

With those words, murmurs of approval can be heard from those gathered. Mari stood like a statue as if the King hadn't said anything at all. He however was not done.

"Come next month, you shall take over as the Royal Treasurer when the Old Duke returns to his farm for retirement."

This time round, the silence in the hall was complete. The Kingdom had just witnessed the biggest promotion of an official since its inception.


The Judgement Hall was empty saved for two men. One the King of the lands, the other his closest friend and advisor.

"Do you realized what you've just done, my dear King?"

"Aye, I just made a royal pain in the arse my Royal Treasurer and will probably have to suffer it on a regular basis for the rest of my rule."

After some chuckles, but only from the advisor, for the King's face was still black as coal. "So why do it?"

"Throughout history, do we not have enough examples of kings and royalty making off with the gold entrusted to them by the people they were sworn to protect? Nothing is fixed in stone, my dear friend. Even the Gods make mistakes and play favourites. Can you be sure I can always keep to a higher standard? This girl will safeguard the lifeblood of the Kingdom, even from myself."

"Hmm.. seems like the Kingdom has just discovered its most loyal subject, so why that murderous look on your face?"

Snarling, the King replied, "You know I hate having my options cut off. That is true even when I am the one doing the cutting."

With that, he stomped out of the hall.

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Mayan, in the year 726 AF.

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