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Public News Post #19553


Written by: Lord Silas Maynard, the Voice of Light
Date: Tuesday, October 14th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings, Sapience,

I am sure I am not the only one to appreciate Vayne's stirring words. 'How quaint,' I thought. 'Hashan is finally standing up for itself.'

And yet, though I am loath to discourage even the lowliest from striving to attain the perfection that is the goal of all true children of Creation, I am afraid that I cannot stand by and see this Regent attempt to deceive you all as he has deceived himself.

For you see, Sapience, there is only one true purpose in this world, and that is to safeguard it against those who would threaten to dominate or destroy it.

This realm of Creation, gifted to us by Ayar, is in constant danger of being overrun by the forces of Darkness - laughable as that may seem when you look at the tarnished Crown of the Ithmia - as it is with the forces of Evil, and of Chaos. They all come claiming progress, claiming strength, claiming change, yet they all seek the same end: to bring the world under the dominion of their Master, or to bring about its utter ruin.

In the teachings of Darkness, which recognises a blight on this world - an aberration from the perfection of Creation as it was at its genesis - these are much the same. Twilight's servants, including those of His city, twist this into an attempt to bring about a cleansing so that the world might be remade in the image of the Dark Father.

Only in Good is there selflessness in purpose. Only through Truth can Enlightenment be achieved.

Vayne can label us fanatics and zealots all he wishes, and we in Targossas are quite happy to embrace these monikers. We are not shy Shallam, eager to present a pleasing face to a world that offers only scorn. We recognise the dangers presented to Creation, and we pledge our lives in service to Light and Fire in our efforts to overcome them for the benefit of all.

Do not fall to the silken voice of the Deceiver, Sapience. Open your eyes to the Truth.

Theirs, eternally,

Silas Maynard de l'Evanoir
The Voice of Truth

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Mayan, in the year 666 AF.

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