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Public News Post #19581

A Timely Response

Written by: Lord Vayne Trismegistus
Date: Monday, November 17th, 2014
Addressed to: Qui'anar Lacertix 'The Incorrigible' Xenophidex

Incorrigable Grand Hierarch,

I do not mean to correct one who will not be corrected, for it is clear the Cult seeks to make no apology to the Crown for the long litany of offense it has committed over the course of the last century, but after reading your response to what I spoke on behalf of the Crown, I feel I must respond to you now for my own sake.

It is quite telling that you open with a personal attack against my character. Despite it doubtlessly being satisfying to attempt to muddy my name in the sights of my already adoring masses, it does little to give you sound footing on which to refute the Crown's claims.

The simple truth of the matter is the Serpentlords have long ceased to seek the good of the Crown, becoming more insular and entrenched in their paranoid battle against those perceived conspirators hiding behind every corner. You have devolving to the point where you strike out against your own home when simply asked to affirm the oaths you, yourselves, have sworn. Every chance at reconciliation was extended, but you spat at it each and every time, somehow thinking your unparalleled stubbornness would eventually win you what you desire like a petulant child.

You so love to call me a traitor, but I have long left the Cult. It is under your leadership that it has plunged to such shameful lows. It is under the guardianship of you and yours that the Cult's name has been hollowed out and demeaned.

It is a convenient lie to say that the Cult actually thrives because its exploits are not seen. The Cult merely wallows in obscurity, unable to attract new blood while the same select few yet cling to their meaningless power. Can you honestly declare one group or faction that is legitimately concerned with the threat the Serpentlords pose in this day and age?

I have no love for you and your ilk, Lacertix. I loved the Cult and what it stood for. Its ancient heritage and tradition now squandered. You will go down in history as the last Grand Hierarch of the oldest Great House in Sapience.

Despite the loss of the Cult of the Serpentlords, which truly has been dead for some time now, the Crown suffers no loss in your departure. We grow leaner by the day. Our focuses aligning as one once more under the patronage of the Dark Father and Lady Moon. Yet, the irony is not wasted on me that the House that the Dark Father called to build His city and that produced Lady Ourania, has so spurned Them both along with Their city and curses the shadows they yet hide among.

Perhaps free from the bonds of a city-state, worthy Serpents will rise up and strip the power from those would wear it unworthily and restore the ancient and once revered name of Serpentlord.

Vayne Trismegistus

P.S. Fear not, you only need to possess not spend 5,000 sovereigns to post, though I would hardly keep you from the productivity that propelled the Cult's influence to historic lows.

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Lupar, in the year 669 AF.

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