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Public News Post #19595

Unabated Destruction

Written by: Void Carnifex Jinsun Ze'Dekiah, Twin-born Assassin
Date: Saturday, December 6th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings Sapience,

You will note that many shrines of various orders have been destroyed and replaced by those of The Master of the Eternal Void. Essence waning, soldiers scattered, you may be wondering why we have waged such vengeance on the plots you have attempted to claim. The explanation, at first blush, is simple, but first, I would be remiss if I did not give a history lesson to those who are unaware.

Put simply, any destructive event within Creation draws Chaos into Creation. It is as if a tiny pocket is formed, and is quickly replaced with Chaos, its interaction with Creation bringing beautiful change and new creations and happenings. We see this first with the Rape of Lady Maya. Undoubtedly, the Unnamable Horror was the first known ?Chaotic? being, yet this destruction, this reaping of Her innocence created the single most important source of Chaos and change within Creation- the human race. The human race has certainly drawn more Chaos into creation than even the initial breach of the Unnamable Horror.

One could even argue that the birth of the first humans led to the next major insurgence- the assault of Entropy and Discord, the Great War providing more than enough destruction for them to enter through a tear in Creation.

Lastly, a more recent noticeable event happened when the Usurper, Eris attempted to destroy Lord Babel. The attempted destruction of the Master of Oblivion opened a rift so great that Lady Eris disappeared through it. How was it filled? In almost certain destruction, the Father of Oblivion, the One True Endbringer, Lord Babel survived, and was empowered anew, having become one with the Void! Truly, the influence of the Void and Chaos did define Creation that day.

We reigned destruction down on your shrines with unmitigated fervor because it pulls forth the Chaos we so crave! The flow of Chaos into Creation slowly changes things, returning this realm into the Primal, Chaotic state of the Void! We march toward the Final Perfection! The beautiful thing is, we have seen that the destruction of essence draws more Chaos, and the end of this realm closer and closer. Your petty attempts to deplete our essence or to harm the shrines of the Inexorable Master of The Infinite Void have done nothing more than to further our pursuits!

His cold eyes have turned upon the realms of Creation. The True End approaches, the Tide rising to wash you all away, grains of salt in an endless sea. You have two choices Sapience: Accept the futility of your actions and enjoy a life of Freedom and infinite joy, sloughing off your cloaks of moralities, falsities, and loyalties, or you may toil away, trying in vain to stop the inevitable, spending your spare time with Lord Thoth, and being victim to the many horrors that the Followers of Oblivion have in store for you.

Do not fool yourself into thinking that you are powerful than Lord Ayar.

The end is coming.

In waiting for the Perfect End,
Void Carnifex, Jinsun Ze?Dekiah, Priest of Babel

Penned by my hand on the 8th of Aeguary, in the year 671 AF.

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