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Public News Post #5819

A few notes

Written by: Lieutenant Aldric Adariel
Date: Tuesday, January 27th, 2015
Addressed to: Yarel Nebre'seir, the Spiteful

You again? Goodness this is getting repetitive. Let me start with a few points you've raised.

"I am misreading her intent, or perhaps you all are not inclined to fight this fight for her."

This fight you seem to cite here, and throughout your post, is one entirely of your own making. The Primeval have made it quite clear that we do not wish to oppose the Primus, nor the Houses he rules. So, there's that.

"..and you will be left wholly out of this conflict.."

Again, referencing a conflict you've whimsically made up that needn't quite exist, yet you adamantly point towards.

"The Carnifex Guild will only be brought into this conflict, IF THEY DECIDE TO TAKE UP ARMS AGAINST NEBRE'SIER AND THE DOMINION."

Goodness, scribe caught you yelling there? How passionate. The dramatic emphasis aside, not once has the Primeval leveled a war-mongering finger in the direction of Nebre'seir. Just as you claim Moirean wishes to drag the Carnifex into a war, you seem to be dragging your entire House into one! How hypocritical.

"..but it seems rather strange that after we turned you away, you and your sire form your little clan.."

Goodness, Moirean attempted to join Nebre'seir? I didn't even know. I left Ve'kahi myself a handful of years ago now, and promptly came up with the idea afterwards, then took the lead in drafting the base, the tenets, etcetera- laying the foundation, so to speak. Again, for emphasis, me. Not Moirean. We've only recently spoken publicly about admittance after acquiring the foundation we deemed satisfactory, along with our core members.

So, yes, strange coincidence that is, what being (mostly) false and whatnot. Your assumption there bears little relevance.

"..and you attempt to drag the Carnifex into the mess you know you are starting."

Ah, this one. I do love this one, as I'm the Lieutenant of the Shadow Keep, also known as the second-in-command. The Dominion declared that its members shall be loyal first and foremost to the Dominion - an edict which goes quite against the oath the Carnifex take shortly after progression. This oath existed... goodness, how long have the Carnifex been established now? You do the math, and take that many years and subtract from it the length of time this edict has existed, and you'll see which came first.

Also, I must again inform you that this "mess Moirean is starting" bit is actually more accurately labeled "a mess Yarel is starting." You know, since you've declared war.

I've saved the best part for last, because, well, that's where the best typically belongs:

"You find the decrees of the Primus to be overbearing. There is a very simple solution. If you reject His words, then likewise, reject His gift. He speaks and decrees only to those who have accepted His gift of Blood. Nothing in existance comes free of charge."

I've been a Consanguine longer than these decrees have existed, as have a great deal many others. I've lived (poor word choice, but you get the gist) the vast majority of my existence without these decrees and managed perfectly fine. Why begin now, of all times, following orders that hamper the way I wish to live? Is the mightiest privilege of the blood not the freedom? The strength? The ability to stand above the mortals?

Finally, I concede to you in regards to your point about nothing coming for free. Quite an astute observation, though you'd have us believe being Consanguine comes only with the price of following the Primus. You seem to have neglected the price of burning when exposed to sun (self-immolation rarely brightens a day), a ravenous hunger sated only by murder (not that I'm against it), and the opportunity to watch all of the mortals of your past life grow old, feeble, and die right before your very eyes!

Though they're quite easy to forget, I can hardly blame you for their omission.

I'll offer you the same advice as my last post: ignore us. If you are not threatened by us politically, or on the battlefield as you say, you have nothing to be worried about.

- Aldric Adariel

Penned by my hand on the 8th of Khepary, in the year 440 MA.

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