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Announce News Post #2586

Upcoming Changes

Written by: Ieptix the Anomaly
Date: Friday, April 29th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

I'll be releasing the following updates to warriors this coming Monday,
based on the recent Knighthood special report:

o Remove the current effects of the calcise and dendroxin poisons.
o Change cavalier maul to 2 critically wounded limbs, 2 heavily wounded
limbs, and 1 mutilated limb. We'll continue with tweaking the
requirements here if needed.
o Change Cavalier guard to attack a random limb, dealing wounds.
o Remove third-person message from assess.
o Remove balance costs from wounds/wounds simple.
o I'll be adding a global scaling factor for knight damage that I can
tweak in game, allowing for quick/easier adjustments to damage.
o Increase the ice curing delay for mutilated limbs/critical wounds.
Will be monitoring this to ensure it's not unduly harsh.
o Scale up writhe time from impale based on gut wounds.
o Re-scale everything wounding up by 5x (e.g. max 100 wounds, etc.)
o Following from the previous point, change 2h wounds to deal extra
wounds over 1h per round. We'll start at 12 wounds per hit, and adjust
from there as needed.
o Increase bleeding from pureblade carve, scaling to wounds.
o Change blademaster's stab to a 1h modifier.
o Remiss changed to deal up to two affs, along with a short stun when
the effect lands.
o Make pyrotoxin afflict with burns even when the target has the frost
defence, though at a reduced amount.
o Change haymaker to a damage attack scaling with total wounds.
o Change damaged limb symptom lines to indicate which limb is damaged.
o Make bonecrusher smashleg bruising scale steeper with wounds.
o Change pulp to not be a set damage increase based on wounds, but
instead have it scale up continuously with wounds.
o Tweak up bruising amounts overall.
o Remove relapsing; change anerod to cause a timed delay (4-6s) of the
last poison the target was hit with before anerod.
o Reduce bleeding needed for exsanguinate, but add the internalbleeding
aff as a requirement. These will be adjusted as needed.
o Add a new modifier to pureblade that splits the attack's damage
between health and mana.

o We'll also be updating the flavour lines for most of the modifiers,
though these will not be immediately included with the above changes.
Thanks go out to Rivius for his contributions of these new updated

Additonally, the following general changes will be added or moved out of

o Current focus abilities and beast curing will be removed, replaced
with a handful of new abilities. See announce post 2572 for details on
how the new focus abilities work.
o Telekinesis throatlock will be changed to deal anorexia.
o Telekinesis leglock will be removed.
o Ablaze, shivering, and frozen will be converted to overhaul
o Shivering and frozen will be cured by eating dust.
o Ablaze will be cured by applying ice to the BODY.
o Burns will be cured by applying ice to the BODY, or any application of
ice that also cured wounds.
o Tempinsanity will be cured by slush. Every sip of slush will cure some
insanity, though at reduced amounts if an affliction is being cured.
Tempinsanity will be focusable.
o Timewarp will be cured by steam. Every hit of steam will cure some
timewarp, though at reduced amounts if an affliction is being cured.
Timewarp will be focusable.

Penned by My hand on the 16th of Tzarin, in the year 440 CE.

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